- Our diverse executive and advisory teams include dedicated physicians, educators, gerontologists, retired healthcare executives, an attorney, a certified financial planner (CFA), a business community leader, and master trainers for Administration on Community Living (ACL) approved evidence-based health promotion programs. These top shelf programs deliver valuable social care that transforms health, treat mild depression and isolation, address falls in older adults, and train consumers in chronic disease self-management (i.e., diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and pain management, and behavioral health).
- NEWF participates in research that helps build on our social and scientific knowledge in the fields of gerontology, community health and social care. We are standing on the cutting edge of innovation in social care and health investments for the future.
- NEWF offers technical assistance to community based and healthcare organizations in multicultural outreach, older adult health promotion and wellness program development, design, implementation, evaluation, project management, training and sustainability.
New England Wellness Foundation’s (NEWF) signature program design framework, COACH, is the foundation for our engagement programs in hard-to-reach monolingual LEP communities. We believe there are five elements that ensure successful outreach.
COACH stands for our values of Collaboration, Outreach, Advocacy, and Cultural Humility. We utilize a framework developed by NEWF founder and social gerontologist, Brenda Vazquez, we know as AERIS.
A - Attraction – Identify an attraction link (cultural, food, need)
E - Engagement – Engage in easy to reach, relevant activities.
R - Retention – Support participants in problem solving
I - Impact – Celebrate achievements
S - Sustainability
Wellness Clubs
Our signature program was developed by gerontologist Brenda Vázquez. The Wellness Club is a customized, needs assessment-based program that incorporates cultural values, education, activity, socialization and group support to attract, engage, retain, impact and sustain participants in health transforming behaviors.
Wellness Clubs
Our signature program was developed by gerontologist Brenda Vázquez. The Wellness Club is a customized, needs assessment-based program that incorporates cultural values, education, activity, socialization and group support to attract, engage, retain, impact and sustain participants in health transforming behaviors.
Economic Security
Economic Security is a social determinant of health. We address economic security through translation and facilitation of financial education in multiple languages. We collaborate with agencies and institutions that do this work in English and provide translation, outreach and leadership in program development and implementation.
Brenda Vázquez, M.A.G. - Founder and COO
Brenda Vázquez has over 20 years in health and human services. Co-Founder, and Executive Director 2014-2018) of New England Wellness (NEW) Foundation, she continues to serve on local and regional boards, providing organizational capacity building, age-friendly built environment design and innovative program development leadership. In 2012, Vázquez and her team designed the Exergamers Wellness Club, funded by Microsoft, for the Los Angeles Dept of Aging. The program won a National Association of Area Agencies on Aging top innovation award. A recipient of the American Association of University Women’s Career Development Award, Brenda earned a Master of Arts in Gerontology from the University of Southern California’s Davis School of Gerontology, and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Emerson College. In Barnstable County, she chaired the Massachusetts Community Health Network of the Cape and Islands (2014-2018), a coalition of over 50 human service organizations, and served on the Barnstable County Human Services Advisory Board, the Brewster Council on Aging and a regional aging study, Healthy Aging Cape Cod. She is currently the Director of the Dennis Council on Aging, serving adjunctly on the Cape Cod Regional Authority Advisory Board. One of the first Stanford School of Medicine-certified Diabetes Self Management Master Trainers in the country, Brenda successfully implemented the first roll out of Administration for Community Living-funded, evidence-based health promotion programs, starting in California. Before moving to Cape Cod in 2013, Brenda was Director of Community Health Programs at Partners in Care Foundation, California’s Technical Assistance Office for Evidence Based Health Promotion Programs. In collaboration with schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, social work, government and business and community-based organizations, Brenda and her team’s innovative health promotion work won the OAA Title IIID Disease Prevention Health Promotion funding for 12 consecutive years serving over 7000 residents and their families annually. From 2014 to 2017, Ms. Vázquez worked with the Barnstable and Boston partnerships of, the MA Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund, to establish clinical-community linkages facilitating access to community-based health supports within underserved areas. Ms. Vazquez is committed to improving the quality of life for all Cape Cod residents, by addressing all social determinants, and fostering livable communities for all ages.
Andrea Nevins, MPH - Gerontologist, Director of Health Education
Andrea Nevins, a graduate of Yale University School of Epidemiology and Public Health, is a health educator by training. She has developed innumerable educational programs on a variety of health topics. Her specialty is gerontology—to educate the public and professionals about the special needs of older adults, and to promote health habits that will ensure a successful third age. For 25 years she was the Director of the Brookdale Center on Aging at Hunter College, home to the country’s first Certificate in Aging Program, a 125 hour credentialing program in gerontology for professionals in aging services.
Julie Carter, RN – Director of Integrated Care Planning
Julie Carter RN, is a Registered Nurse with extensive experience and training in a variety of complementary therapies including Reiki, reflexology and massage.
Dr. Jose Fernandez, B.A., D.C. M.S.A.M.
Dr. Fernandez is the CEO and President of the Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center in Hyannis, MA. Co-founder and first board chair (2016-2018) of the New England Wellness Foundation, he currently serves as a Board member. Dr. Fernandez has over 45 years of experience in the healthcare delivery system and management. He has a Bachelor of Arts from the City College of the University of New York, a Master of Science in Public Health and Administrative Medicine from Columbia University’s School of Public Health and Medicine, a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine from the Columbia Institute of Chiropractic, now the New York College of Chiropractic. He is a graduate of the Nursing Home Administration Program from Long Island University and completed his certification in Health Systems management from the Harvard School of Public Health and Medicine.
Dr. Fernandez held increasingly responsible positions in a variety of Ambulatory Care Organizations, from New York to San Francisco. He served as Associate Executive Director of Morrisania Municipal Hospital in Bronx, New York and as Executive Director of Greenpoint Municipal Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, where he opened sixteen satellite clinics to serve a medically underserved geriatric Community. He also served as a health advocate for the New York State Department of mental Health, and as a member of the Bias Cultural Committee of the New York State Civil Service Commission.
Dr. Fernandez is a year round resident of Brewster, MA. For over twenty-one years he continues to promote his interest in quality Integrative Medicine and improved access to care among geriatric and other medically underserved populations. Since his time here on Cape Cod he has served on a variety of Boards since his graduation from the Cape Leadership Institute in 2011.
- President Friends of the Barnstable County Human rights Commission.
- Co- chair, Family and Patient Advisory Council, Cape Cod Hospital.
- Vice Chair, Advisory Board, may Institute’s Cove Clubhouse in Harwich
- Board member, YMCA Achiever’s Program
- CEO and President, Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center
His vision for the New England Wellness Foundation is to foster mentorship and counseling for promising students of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who are first generation college-bound immigrants. He has mentored 19 unsponsored students who have graduated with at least one college degree and seven doctors of whom three are his own children and two nieces with practices in New York, Florida, Arizona and Nevada.
John Fernandez, D.C., C.C.S.P
Director of Research and Evaluation
Dr. John Fernandez, is the Owner and Clinical Director of Back to Life Sport & Spine Care, PC located in Woodside (Queens), NY. He received his Doctorate of Chiropractic from the New York College of Chiropractic in Seneca Falls, New York, in April of 1994.
His Post Doctoral Certifications/Education includes; Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician CCSP), Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA), Electrodiagnostic Testing & Interpretation (NCV/EMG), Graston Technique and Kinesio-Taping. He has Hospital Privelages at three New York Surgical Centers. Dr. Fernandez has been specially trained and certified within the fields of Manipulation Under Anesthesia (M.U.A.) from the American Academy of Manual and Physical Medicine & University of Bridgeport).
Dr. Fernandez and is a Certified CPR & AED Trainer for the American Heart Association. Dr. John Fernandez is a Governors Advisory Cabinet member of the American Chiropractic Association, Past President of the Queens Chapter-New York State Chiropractic Association, member of the American Academy of Hospital Chiropractors, Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractic Medicine (F.R.C.C.M.), and an active member with the American Academy of Pain Management.
Dr. Fernandez was one of the original pioneering Chiropractic Attending Physicians within The New Parkway Hospital. Dr. Fernandez continues to hold privileges granted by The Queens Surgical Center, Boulevard Surgical Center, Physicians Choice.
Dr. Fernandez is bilingual and besides his New York State Chiropractic License, he is New York State Workers Compensation and I.M.E. Rated.
National Council on Aging (NCOA)
The NCOA provide tools, resources, and networking opportunities to support professionals in the field of aging, including public policy, program, and funding information.
American Society on Aging
The ASA offers professional education, publications, training resources, and information on the latest research in the field of aging supported by a multidisciplinary membership of professionals.
For professionals, AARP provides information about livable communities; updates on government advocacy and public policy; resources within NRTA (AARP’s Educator Community); and news and research related to healthy aging.
Massachusetts Health Aging Collaborative
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is a network of community service organizations, health and wellness providers, state agencies, advocates, researchers, funders, and other stakeholders across the state who have come together to advance healthy aging. The initiative that eventually led to the Collaborative began in 2009 when the Tufts Health Plan Foundation asked the Massachusetts Health Policy Forum, based at Brandeis University’s Heller School, to assess the state of healthy aging programs in Massachusetts and other states. The findings were reported in an Issue Brief that was presented at a forum in Boston in December 2009.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH)
The MDPH Division of Prevention and Wellness offers healthy aging activities that foster community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs for older adults. It also provide publications, data reports and links to health education materials for both professionals and the public.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA)
The Massachusetts EOEA provides information about services and opportunities for elders and caregivers. Learn more about the statewide elder network, including Aging Services Access Points (ASAP), Councils on Aging (COA) and senior centers in communities across the Commonwealth.
This website is a joint effort of Mass Home Care and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. In addition to information for consumers, the website also provides job aids, how-to’s, announcements, and forms.
Massachusetts Health Policy Forum
The Massachusetts Health Policy Forum website announces upcoming events and maintains materials from past Healthy Aging Forums including agendas, issue briefs, speaker lists, presentations and handouts.
Tufts Health Plan Foundation
The Tufts Health Plan Foundation funds healthy aging programs to elevate the well-being of older adults so as to enable them to live healthier and happier lives. The foundation makes grants in the following areas: Health & Wellness, Purposeful Engagement and Empowerment.
Healthy Living Center of Excellence
The Healthy Living Center of Excellence (HLCE) delivers evidence-based healthy living programs for older adults and their caregivers. Various programs are also held in Spanish. The HLCE website provides information about each of the programs, a calendar of related events, testimonials, volunteer opportunities, and a list of regional coalition partners.
Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors
The Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors (MCOA) is a non-profit membership organization comprised of municipal Councils on Aging. The MCOA website includes information on programs and services for older adults, legislative updates, data, reports, professional development resources, and more.
Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center
Facility providing Alternative solutions to address health concerns all working together to give you the best in quality care. Welcome to Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center. Please look through our site to learn more about us. You can click below to learn more about our integrative care philosophy.
Clara E. Mesonero, M.D
President and CEO
Born in Chattanooga, Tenn. to Spanish parents, Clara Mesonero was raised in Germany and Spain. After attending primary school in Germany, she finished her secondary education in Seville, Spain. Dr. Mesonero obtained her medical degree at the University of Seville’s Faculty of Medicine. She moved to the United States to do her residency in anatomic and clinical pathology and completed a fellowship at George Washington University Medical School. Her first years in medical practice were at the University of Rochester, NY (Strong Memorial Hospital) as a staff pathologist and Associate Professor, from 1990 to1998. Clara moved to Cape Cod in 1998 with her 3 children, now grown and independent, working and living in Boston. In Cape Cod, she joined a well-established private pathology practice that covers pathology services at Cape Cod Health Care. For the first 2 years she was an instructor at Boston Medical School’s Dept. of Pathology and has been the Chief of the Dept. of Pathology at Cape Cod Hospital since 2000, and currently serves as the Medical Director of the Blood Bank at Cape Cod Hospital. Dr. Mesonero has published in the field of pathology and given workshops nationally and internationally. She gives back to the community through her leadership roles in the Osterville Rotary Club where she has served as Vice president and President of the Club for the last 3 years. Her interests include languages (she is fluent in Spanish, German and English); and closing the gap between different cultures and societies. Last year she founded The Spanish Club, bringing the Spanish speaking community together on the Cape and sharing their culture with the local community. Clara discovered her passion for dance in 2017, when she participated in “Dancing with the Doctors” to raise funds for complementary therapies for cancer patients in Cape Cod. Dancing has opened her horizons and contributed to her wellbeing. She believes dance is good for the body and soul and has provided Salsa dancing lessons with other board members as a healthy intergenerational activity that brings young and older people together, regardless of their background. Dr. Mesonero hopes to open a Language School on Cape Cod, grow the Spanish Club, keep dancing and lead the New England Wellness Foundation into the future with the support of a strong and dedicated board.
Barry Jackman, CPA
Barry Jackman is a “resolute and analytical accounting professional with experience in many areas of the accounting function. He has expertise in preparing financial statements, monitoring daily cash transactions, developing annual budgets, and recording all financial activity for small to medium sized businesses. Versatile and resourceful, Mr. Jackman quickly adapts to new roles, responsibilities, and environments. He has a strong combination of software knowledge with proven leadership and interpersonal skills. Exemplary verbal and written communicator, who demonstrates professionalism and strengthens the company image. He gives back to the Cape Cod community by serving on the NEWF Board as Treasurer.
Marineti Matos, Certified Interpreter/Translator
A partner and friend of the NEW foundation since 2015, Marineti Matos is a Brazilian-American, well adapted to life in the United States. A translator and interpreter, Marineti earned an associate degree in Arts and is certified in Medical Interpretation in the State of Massachusetts. Passionate about life, Marineti has always done community work and advocates for the vulnerable and disadvantaged, starting her philanthropic activities at a young age in Brazil. Her passion and energy are channeled through activities she enjoys, including hiking the many nature trails around Cape Cod. Marineti is an animal lover and has two rescue cats, Mimi and Puma. Artistically talented, Marineti is the founder of Final’rt and her intense personality is expressed boldly in her paintings on beach rocks collected on Cape Cod. She brings her experience and energy to the NEWF Board of Directors, is proud to be an ambassador of NEWF’s mission and is an active contributor to the advancement of the social impact the Foundation’s work on Cape Cod and its residents
Alison Caron, Alison Caron Design
Alison Caron has worked as a graphic designer in the advertising and publishing industries for more than 15 years. She earned a BFA in graphic design, summa cum laude, from UMass Dartmouth. Her Hyannis-based design firm, Alison Caron Design, has earned many national awards. Alison and her team design logos, marketing materials, advertising campaigns magazines, annual reports, websites, and more. Alison has been an adjunct instructor in graphic design at Cape Cod Community College for more than 6 years. Alison loves to give back to her community through working with many nonprofit organizations to help them promote their fundraising events. She is also an active member of the Hyannis Rotary Club and serves on several local marketing committees. Alison looks forward to sharing her knowledge of marketing, nonprofit fundraising, and her community connections to help the New England Wellness Foundation build its public awareness and promote its events.
Rebecca Richardson, Esq.
Attorney Rebecca C. Richardson (Becky) grew up on Cape Cod and is a graduate of New England School of Law Boston. Prior to law school, she attended Northeastern University where she worked in the Registrar’s Office. Becky began her legal practice in 1990, writing Appellate Briefs and handling litigation matters including civil, collections, domestic relations and landlord/tenant cases. For the past 20 years, her practice has focused on representing people buying and selling real estate. Attorney Richardson is an approved closing attorney for many of Cape Cod’s mortgage lenders and nearly all national lenders. She also lectures at First Time Home Buyer programs sponsored by Housing Assistance Corp and educational seminars for local Realtors. Attorney Richardson is admitted to the bar in Massachusetts, the U.S. District Court in Massachusetts and the U.S. Supreme Court. She is also a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association, Barnstable Bar Association, The Real Estate Bar Association (REBA), a member of the Rotary Club of Osterville and Trustee of the Centerville Library. She joins the New England Wellness Foundation Board to help guide the organization through reorganization and re-dedication to its mission with a committed board of directors dedicated to improving community health and wellness for all on Cape Cod.
Joao dos Santos Silva
Joao dos Santos Silva is originally from Brazil and has a military background. A naturalized American citizen since 2008 after having arrived here in 1986. Joao has lived on Cape Cod for thirty years where he is an active participant in the Brazilian Community. He supports and advocates for those in need.
Joao has been an entrepreneur since 2000. He runs and operates an automobile mechanic shop for fourteen years. Joao is married for 20 years and has four children, two boys and two girls.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the New England Wellness Foundation and a supporter of our vision and mission. He contributes with his knowledge and experience to the wellbeing of people across the lifespan. NEWF inspires him to serve the community, promote education, service, and civic engagement.

Gerontology is the study of human aging from birth to end of life.
Howdy, I'm another dialog box

OUR MISSION: New England Wellness Foundation promotes healthy living among people of diverse cultures and socio economic status across the lifespan. By facilitating collaboration among stakeholders (healthcare providers, patients, professional caregivers, families, and businesses), we can advance health and socio-economic equity for the most vulnerable in our society, including underserved, culturally diverse older adults and persons with disabilities.
OUR VISION: The New England Wellness Foundation (NEWF) envisions an inclusive, collaborative society where all members across the lifespan enjoy optimum physical, social and mental health, in a clean environment and thriving economy, with ample opportunities for continuing personal development through civic and charitable engagement.
We work to:
• support our rapidly aging population’s health status, wellbeing and quality of life through dissemination of evidence-based health promotion programs, innovation and best practices.
• develop and implement innovative programs that are culturally sensitive and effectively improve health status and quality of life.
• attract and engage individuals and communities in creative activities that support wellness and positive aging.
• build organizational capacity to serve diverse populations with sensitivity.
• develop caregiving and social support workforce and programs tailored to individual and community needs.
• advocate for patient’s freedom of treatment choices and self-management of chronic conditions.
• contribute to research efforts in social gerontology, Congnitive loss and community based long term service and support delivery.
• Family Transition Counseling and Case Management
• Successful Aging Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation
• Multilingual Health Promotion Campaigns
• Project Management
• Long Term Community Based Services and Supports
(programs and workforce development)
• Evidence Based Programs - Implementation Technical Assistance
• Cultural Sensitivity Training
• Program Leader Training

Our Team

Board of Directors

Clara E. Mesonero, M.D
President and CEO
Brenda Vázquez, M.A.G.
Founder | COO
Dr. Jose Fernandez, B.A, D.C., M.S.A.M.
Co-Founder | Director
Rebecca Richardson, Esq.
Barry Jackman, CPA
Joao dos Santos Silva

Alison Caron, Alison Caron Design

Marineti Matos, Certified Interpreter/Translator
Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center<
Facility providing Alternative solutions to address health concerns all working together to give you the best in quality care. Welcome to Integrative Medicine and Holistic Wellness Center. Please look through our site to learn more about us. You can click below to learn more about our integrative care philosophy.
Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors
The Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors (MCOA) is a non-profit membership organization comprised of municipal Councils on Aging. The MCOA website includes information on programs and services for older adults, legislative updates, data, reports, professional development resources, and more.
Healthy Living Center of Excellence
The Healthy Living Center of Excellence (HLCE) delivers evidence-based healthy living programs for older adults and their caregivers. Various programs are also held in Spanish. The HLCE website provides information about each of the programs, a calendar of related events, testimonials, volunteer opportunities, and a list of regional coalition partners.
Tufts Health Plan Foundation
The Tufts Health Plan Foundation funds healthy aging programs to elevate the well-being of older adults so as to enable them to live healthier and happier lives. The foundation makes grants in the following areas: Health & Wellness, Purposeful Engagement and Empowerment.
Massachusetts Health Policy Forum
The Massachusetts Health Policy Forum website announces upcoming events and maintains materials from past Healthy Aging Forums including agendas, issue briefs, speaker lists, presentations and handouts.
This website is a joint effort of Mass Home Care and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. In addition to information for consumers, the website also provides job aids, how-to’s, announcements, and forms.
Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA)
The Massachusetts EOEA provides information about services and opportunities for elders and caregivers. Learn more about the statewide elder network, including Aging Services Access Points (ASAP), Councils on Aging (COA) and senior centers in communities across the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH)
The MDPH Division of Prevention and Wellness offers healthy aging activities that foster community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs for older adults. It also provide publications, data reports and links to health education materials for both professionals and the public.
Massachusetts Health Aging Collaborative
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is a network of community service organizations, health and wellness providers, state agencies, advocates, researchers, funders, and other stakeholders across the state who have come together to advance healthy aging. The initiative that eventually led to the Collaborative began in 2009 when the Tufts Health Plan Foundation asked the Massachusetts Health Policy Forum, based at Brandeis University’s Heller School, to assess the state of healthy aging programs in Massachusetts and other states. The findings were reported in an Issue Brief that was presented at a forum in Boston in December 2009.
For professionals, AARP provides information about livable communities; updates on government advocacy and public policy; resources within NRTA (AARP’s Educator Community); and news and research related to healthy aging.
American Society on Aging
The ASA offers professional education, publications, training resources, and information on the latest research in the field of aging supported by a multidisciplinary membership of professionals.
NCOA Crossroads
This online community connects aging professionals nationally for collaboration and learning.
National Council on Aging (NCOA)
The NCOA provide tools, resources, and networking opportunities to support professionals in the field of aging, including public policy, program, and funding information.